Sunday, April 17, 2011
High Hopes for Bev
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Asian Journal With a Twist of Color
Monday, April 4, 2011
Chloe's Card
So this card was for a Girl at our Church Named Chloe and she turned I believe 16 ..I heard she loved this cartoon Namie or something ..and was told this would fit in .. I made the Soji Screen following Mary Giemza Directions .. and then made some Cherry blossoms out of white wool and added a Pearl in them and made tree branch out of heavy card stock ..butterfly's punch from Martha Stewart and Colored with Copics ..She LOVED IT!!! it made me feel so good and she gave me a Handwritten , That's right I said a Handwritten THANK YOU note in perfect Penmanship ..Now days you dont see that at all ..At least not me .. SHe made my day . Not the other way around ..
Speaking of Yummy
So Speaking of Sara and her Wonderfull cakes and sweets ( post below ) you have to see the cute as a Button Poodle cake she did for me last year ...Even my Boo Boo Bear Is in awe over it ... I was scared he would eat it hahah... This tho is NOTHING compared to other things shes makes ..( I think Im a a Fan) It was oh so yummy ... So I thought I better show this now as My B-day is coming in a few months and Im sure she will have something even more special ( Wink Wink Sara ) in German Chocolate ..I wonder if she'll know thats what Im wanting aaaaaahhahaha DId I mention how great she is ...( a little kissing up never hurts " SMILE")
Dusting off the ole Blog

Monday, July 19, 2010
Birthday Dragon
So I have started a new church and decided to make a Birthday card for a lady there that I think needed a little lift ..So I used this Dragon from Karens Doodles and Inside i used Huggable Hank from High Hopes ..I colored with copics ..Made my flowers and i did something I havent done is Actually stitch on my card ..I usually use faux sticking ..Its kinda neat ..I wanted it to be bright and cheary..And have an eliment of surpize so when you open it Hank pops up, Giving her many hugs .
I had a very wonderful Person help me with where to put the dark shadows and Highlights as Im so not there yet ..So Missy you know who you are Many Thanks ..
Here is the upclose of the Birday Dragon from Karens Doodles ..I added glossy accents to the table top to make it look like a glass table
Here is the Inside of the card using Huggable Hank ( High Hopes )as a POP up and after I took this picture I also added Happy Birthday Sticker on the pocket to make it look more complete..Also I made little cards for each person so they could send there own message to Michelle and put in pocket ..
Well Hope you like
Thanks for coming By
Hugs and Smiles
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Thank You
So I know I have been gone awhile ..part of it is im going threw that tired thing again and its been rough ( vitamin d and Diabets yuck)But I have still been busy ..coloring ..
So we have started a New Church " Clavery Chapel" I use to go to one in Co and thought all was lost when we couldnt find a church here so I gave up going to church and was pretty sad about it too . But God showed us this one and Now we are happy campers hahah YEAAAAAAAAA
Anyway we went to a barbaeque they had and it was so nice ..we havent been around people in along time and were very lonely ..These people have no idea , NONE how much that day meant to us ...
Well I needed to thank the sweet sweet woman that opened her house to everyone ..
So here is my card ..Colored with Copics ..and decorated with charms , jeweleryfindings , doily and flowers Also I have a SPECIAL ANGEL (who shall not be named ) teaching me to highlight ect I hope I done her proud ....AnyHoo This card seemed to bring a smile to her ..for that I am happy ..Hope you enjoy .I know I did making it ..and I will always remember that day .
Upclose and personal
Here is the inside
Hugs and Smiles
Dana"s Prayer Shwal
So I dont know if anyone has heard of Prayer Shawls , but i make them for people who are going threw a rough time ..I want them surrounded by Gods love ..So I made one for a computer Buddy Dana..
Hubby is modleing it , so he kinda has a sour face , so I had to cut his head off hahah but he is a good sport tho ..
Its heavy one to keep her warm and toasty in the winter months ..
Hope you like
Thanks for coming
Hugs and Smiles
Sunday, May 2, 2010
My New Lil Baby
So I would like to Introduse you to the Newest member of our family Mickey ...That goes with our other Goat Maggie ..Mikey and Maggie , Mickey and Maggie Im saying it as a ryhme hahah Im so easily entertained ....So here goes the Story ..He is a Newbin Breed and I have been wanting a baby one for like ever ...But there 200.00 and I can afford that..So my Motto is " It Dont Hurt to Ask " so we have a paper around here where you can place adds for free and you should see the wierd stuff people put it there ..Like Have Car , Runs great needs engine " now how can that be?? hummmmm oh well on to my story again hehe...I put " want New Born Newbein Goat will pay 50.00 ...I thought why not and the add was getting old and I figured No one would call now , But low and Behold I got a call and this girl and her hubby raise them and 5 kids as well and needed the money and so there you have my New Baby ,,,I can sit out there and hold him and he cuddles me and loves me and it blows me away ..I love him ...I want to bring him inside and sleep with me and my dogs but Vinny says NO .Hummmmmmmmmmmmmmm why is that you think ..hhahah anyway here he is and I am in love again ..I NEVER thought I could feel this way about a goat ..
So here are some more Pic's of my LIL Baby ...He's just so Cute ..Dont you think ???
Thanks for letting me tell you my story
Hugs and Smiles